Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our travel plans and preliminary schedule

We will stop in Bakersfield on 2/29 and get into Death Valley late on 3/1.  We will try to operate the low bands (160, 80, and 40 meters) in the early morning (5 to 6 am ) and early evening around (5 to 8 pm.)  Dave F W6DLF) will operate PSK31, etc. primarily on the lower bands and Dave C will mostly work SSB on 20 and up.   Hopefully we can develop more of a schedule once the antennas are in place and people can help us post online.  (Please see next post.)


  1. I look forward to working you guys when you are operating. I will post the info of where you guys are freq wise when we talk. Thanks and have fun!

    Drew, KD7QCU

    1. Just worked Dave on 10 meters PSK31 and what a thrill. Great job, Dave. I was QRP (4 watts) and your signal into the Atlanta,GA area was strong and rock steady. Will you be working the 60 meter band? If you have an 80 meter antenna up and a tuner you would probably be able to work 60 meters with no problem. I will be on 5.3465 Mhz around 02:00 Zulu if you can go there. Bobby Drummond AK4JA

  2. Hello Dave (both hihi) - nice to meet you on Olivia mode (my favorite mode of all) - and really impressive signal from Death Valley with only 5 watts! Thanks for the nice chat and I will tell the guys at the local club (W8FW) about your operation from Death Valley and your blog. Have fun and 73 73 for now.

    ---Gary WB8ROL north of Dayton Ohio in Ludlow Falls

  3. Dave - Guess 30 meters closed on us. Too bad. Enjoyed chatting on PSK31 and hope we can continue our QSO when the bands co-operate. Your 5 watts doing great into the Portland metro area.

    73 & Keep safe.


  4. Wow! Another great QSO Dave, and on 30mtrs - 64/2000 Olivia - which is fairly rare to hear on the bands hihi Your station and signal is outstanding and really amazing. Take care es have lots of fun!

    ---Gary WB8ROL
